You have the potential
to pursue your dreams

We help you harness that potential through three founding principles.

Big-Picture Thinking

As believers of the self-actualization paradigm, we designed The Actualizing Mindset—a framework of seven personal practices, to help us pursue ambitions in a fulfilling, well-balanced, and sustainable manner.

Intentional Living

To never lose sight of our big-picture, we created the PursuitPal app, which guides us daily through the seven actualizing practices: Visioning, Prioritizing, Focusing, Executing, Retrospecting, Streamlining, and Growing.

Personal Growth

To maximize our capability to succeed, we are building a personal growth hub that will make essential strategic resources—self development, learning, coaching, and community—readily accessible to all.

We package all this for you in an easy to use app that aspires to become your thinking companion, your personal growth guide, your daily planner, and your digital notebook, all rolled into one.

Dream your Destiny
with Compass

  • Design a compass of desires and ambitions to discover your inner drives
  • Visualize your life’s *big picture*
  • Discover your passions and turn them into pursuable ambitions
  • See all your quests in one place

Prioritize your Dreams
with Strategy

  • Prioritize your ambitions and design the path to your vision
  • Define incremental achievable landmarks and create a roadmap to success
  • Understand where you need to go next today

Focus your Priorities
with Planners

  • Hone in on the most important results you need to produce
  • Commit to a plan of progress to get to your priority landmarks
  • Stay organized and focused with project planner and weekly planners

Act your Focus
with Today's Dashboard

  • Be at the right places, during the right times, making the right moves.
  • Mobilize your day's agenda of actions to produce committed progress
  • Track progress, capture your thoughts, and journal your fulfillment level.

Retrospect your Actions
with Results

  • Evaluate the momentum of your progress
  • Review and refine your approach
  • Celebrate if you are getting closer to your results, or calibrate if not.

Streamline your Productivity
with workflow features

Optimize your workflows for the most efficient ways to get to your results. Use powerful tools in simple ways and reduce information clutter to focus on what you need now, with unified notes, tasks, due dates, reminders, and appointments. Act in a timely manner with notifications. Keep yourself on the same page no matter where you are with cloud synchronization across all your devices. And we will be adding features like contexts, contacts, and tags in March 2024.

Improve your Odds
with Personal Growth Hub

Launching in June 2024, we aim to offer personalized guidance, comprehensive resources, accessible coaching, and organized community to help you get better at pursuing your life's quests.

Efficacy Development Map

Maximize your personal efficacy · Harness your potential into capabilities · Transform your circumstances into opportunities

Strategy & Learning

Clarify what you need to do to achieve your ambitions · Learn how it is done · Understand the skills you will need to progress in your goals

Training, Coaching & Mentorship

Learn from others · Fast-forward your pursuit with their experiences · Seek constructive feedback and expert opinion

Community & Social Events

Spend time with those pursuing similar goals · Gain comfort and encouragement · Brainstorm approaches and solicit advice

Get started and win
a free lifetime subscription

Be rewarded with a free lifetime subscription when you sign up before December 31 and help us test-drive the app.

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