2024/05/19 posted in  User Support


Windows app

Look-and-feel update

  • Updated app icon to our new logo

Problems resolved

  • Membership settings page was getting cut off (lower part partially hidden) on some screen sizes.

Android and iPhone apps

Several usability enhancements

  • Show or hide notes that have no action, to do someday, or archived using view filters added to all tasks and notes lists.
  • Show or hide items that are in ideation, paused, or archived state using view filters added to Notebooks, Contexts, People, and Tags pages.
  • Roadmap items in Compass page grouped into months instead of years

screenshot-r193-01   screenshot-r193-02

Problems resolved

  • Fixed several scenarios in which the app was crashing
  • Agenda view was not refreshing automatically
  • Newly added ambitions were not immediately visible on the Pursuits page
  • Visual improvements in several features